Holiday Art Sale - Ecusta Brewing Company dsp photo projects gallery exhibitions music photography photo art special events travel photography Dec 03, 2024

Will you be giving the gift of art this year?

Of course you are!

It's been a few years since I've done any sort of holiday art show, and I figured this year was a better time than any to do it again given how slow business has been due to the effects of Hurricane Helene on DSP, and on the local ec...

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DSP Reinvention - The Hurricane Helene Aftermath book club commercial photography dsp news dsp photo projects inspiration music photography photography industry photography instruction travel photography Nov 20, 2024

Happy-ish day!

Why the “ish”, you ask?

Because a month-and-a-half after Hurricane Helene ripped apart Appalachia, I’m still feeling a bit numb and a little lost in navigating my way through what this all means. This hasn’t been, by far, the typical fall season that we all look forward to in these beau...

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The Salvage Station - It wasn't supposed to end this way... dsp news dsp photo projects music photography Nov 14, 2024

Hurricane Helene Aftermath: My final farewell to the Salvage Station...

Or, is it?

I've been wanting to write this blog piece for a few weeks now, but it's been difficult to find the words. So, today, I'm finding them... I think. I hope you read on to the end, as I tell my own "Hurricane Helene" s...

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DSP has a new home in Lake Toxaway, North Carolina! dsp news dsp photo projects photography instruction Aug 09, 2024

The DSP business is on the road again! 


This time is likely to be much more permanent than previous moves.

After nearly seven years of being based in the lovely little mountain town of Brevard, North Carolina, it looks like I have found my forever home a little further west down Rt 64 in l...

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NEWSFLASH - Front Row Focus is back! dsp news dsp photo projects marketing music photography photography instruction Feb 28, 2024


After a few years of retirement, I have dusted off an old project that has been sitting idle and off-line since 2018, reviving my once-popular music e-zine, Front Row Focus!

The new FRF has been re-purposed and re-designed to optimize the integration of the site with my main DSP busin...

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DSP Social Media Daily Themes Summary book club commercial photography dsp news inspiration marketing music photography photography industry photography instruction tips and tricks travel photography Feb 26, 2024

The DSP social media daily themes are now in full operation!

If you've been following any of the DSP social media sites (the main three, anyway), you're probably aware of the "daily themes" that I've been introducing each week since the start of 2024. Last week, I introduced the seventh and final t...

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Introducing - DSP Shout-out Sundays! commercial photography dsp news dsp photo projects inspiration marketing music photography photography industry photography instruction travel photography Feb 23, 2024

The final piece to the DSP social media daily theme puzzle has arrived!

Introducing... Shout-out Sundays on the DSP social media channels!

What does that mean?

Every Sunday, I will give a shout-out to someone -- a client, a fellow photographer, a favorite band / artist, a cherished local business...

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Introducing - DSP Shred Saturdays! dsp news inspiration marketing music photography Feb 16, 2024

Bring on the weekend!

For the past five weeks, I've been introducing a new daily theme for the DSP social media streams, and there are only two remaining -- Saturday and Sunday.

Let's cut to the chase...

From this weekend on, every Saturday will be "Shred Saturday".

In other words, on top of any...

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Introducing - DSP Front Row Fridays! dsp news dsp photo projects marketing music photography Feb 08, 2024

There's been (another) change of plans for the DSP social media weekly schedule...

About a month ago, when I made the initial announcement about my plans to work with daily "themes" for my the DSP social media sites, Fridays were going to be "Free For All Fridays", where I would basically leave thi...

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Introducing - DSP Throwback Thursdays! dsp news dsp photo projects marketing travel photography Feb 01, 2024

Another day, another DSP social media theme...

If you have been paying attention to the DSP social media streams on Instagram, Facebook (business page), and LinkedIn, and you have already read my recent got f-stop? blog post about my 2024 social media plans (click here), then you are aware that sta...

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Introducing - DSP Wisdom Wednesdays! book club dsp news dsp photo projects inspiration tips and tricks Jan 24, 2024

We've all heard of "the cat lady", right?

Well, I would like to formally introduce myself as "the book guy".

Like the cat lady taking in any feline looking for a home, I'm known to home countless books, and despite having about a hundred lying around my office and home that I have yet to read, the...

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Introducing - DSP Travel Tuesdays! dsp news dsp photo projects inspiration travel photography Jan 15, 2024

Is the vagabond in you looking for some travel inspiration?

Though I don't tend to travel a much as I once did (NOTE: That may change at any time!), the DSP archives are chock full of images from my worldly travels over the past 20+ years, ranging from my pre-professional-photographer days when I w...

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How can DSP help you to tell your story?

PHOTOGRAPHY: Collaborate with DSP