DSP Reinvention - The Hurricane Helene Aftermath
Nov 20, 2024
Happy-ish day!
Why the “ish”, you ask?
Because a month-and-a-half after Hurricane Helene ripped apart Appalachia, I’m still feeling a bit numb and a little lost in navigating my way through what this all means. This hasn’t been, by far, the typical fall season that we all look forward to in these beautiful, colorful, tranquil mountains.
As you may have noticed from my previous DSP blog post, life has changed profoundly here in WNC, and for many people, that change is permanent, either physically, mentally, emotionally, professionally, financially, or a combination of the above. This is a tragedy beyond what most people can comprehend without actually being witness to it. It is truly heartbreaking on many levels.
Me? I’m fine compared to many with my health, home, and material things in tact, though survivor’s guilt still lingers. It’s real. For me, it’s rather confusing. Is that the right word??? I’m confused.
So, I’m okay. But…
The fall-out from the storm has definitely had a significant affect on my professional photography career. All of the client work I had lined up for the last quarter of 2024 is gone. And, it’s hard to tell what lies ahead for 2025 and beyond — at least locally to where I live.
No, I’m not looking for pity or sympathy, and I’m not going to start a GoFundMe campaign, (though a spicy OnlyFans page is being considered 🤣🤣🤣), though if that’s what others choose to do it’s nice that in today's internet world there are such options for voluntary support of those in need.
What I am going to do is try my best to use this career lull / pause, and rethink a few things. And, I mean really, really, really dig deep. I kind of went through this during the C19 “era”, but this is a totally different “new normal”, with a different set of consequences.
No, I’m not about to pack in my DSP gig, just to make that clear. I will always be a “photographer”, professional or otherwise. Always. “I’ll be bock” (said in my best Terminator voice) one way or another come the new year.
But, for now, I am going to explore a few “ideas” I’ve had — some for years now — and see where it all leads me. Some of these things are “photography” related. Some not.
Is it time to dust off that guitar, and become a rock star? Look out Keith Richards. I have 2+ decades to catch up with you! 🎸
Seriously. I knew that going into 2024 that this was going to be a pivotal year in my life (turning 60 can do that to a person). My intuition was strong with that feeling, and it certainly hasn’t let me down.
What I didn’t expect was…
… a f***ing hurricane ripping through the Blue Ridge Mountains hundreds of miles from any coastline.
But, here we are. Here I am.
What now?Recently, looking for some inspiration, I was scanning my vast library of books (mostly nonfiction “business” and “personal development” titles), hoping for one to jump out at me given the situation I find myself in. Three or four caught my eye, but "Reinvention" by Brian Tracy is the one that rose to the top of my list.
I’m a big Brian Tracy fan, but I completely forgot I ever bought this particular book. After reading it, it wasn't quite the "light bulb moment" book that I had hoped for as it was basically a lot of Tracy's previous material re-packaged for "job hunters" (which, to be clear, I am not one of those and will remain a self-employed entrepreneur), but it did provide enough inspiration for me to continue my brainstorming, both outside and inside the photography box.
I'm now wading through two or three other books, and have a couple of Udemy online courses to get through. And, yes, I'll be spending more time with my guitars. And ukulele. And banjo. And ___________ . (fill in the blank!)
So, as a new year approaches, the time has come to consider a “reinvention”. It’s not the first time in my life that I’ve shifted gears, and it probably won’t be the last. Bring it on! I’m ready, and I don’t fear what the future holds.
“Life is a journey, not a destination.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
Have a wonderful day… and, hopefully without the “ish”!