DSP Social Media Daily Themes Summary
Feb 26, 2024
The DSP social media daily themes are now in full operation!
If you've been following any of the DSP social media sites (the main three, anyway), you're probably aware of the "daily themes" that I've been introducing each week since the start of 2024. Last week, I introduced the seventh and final theme, and I wanted to get a summary got f-stop? blog post together, as things have changed somewhat since my original plan was revealed in early January.
So, here's where things stand, with a link to a description of each theme:
I'm venturing into unknown territory with this plan and we'll see how it goes. I thought it would be fun to mix things up a bit, while also putting some creative structure (yes, an oxymoron) behind the DSP social media posting strategy.
I can say that the past few weeks getting things up and running have been fun for me, as well as a bit challenging. I hope that my followers have enjoyed the fresh look and content to my DSP feeds.
Has it been effective? Well, that's difficult to determine given the unpredictable algorithms that are used on these sites. I'm going to mess around with the best "time of day" for posts, as well as the optimum #hashtags, and whether some hashtags actually work against things showing up in my followers' feeds.
For example, I'm a little surprised that my Motivation Monday posts aren't getting more attention. Perhaps posting them on a Monday morning isn't such a good idea? Thoughts?
Plus, I need to follow through with this project consistently for a few weeks or months before I have any meaningful metrics to look at. One thing is for sure, if you are reading this and you follow DSP on social media, please share the channels with your friends! That would be much appreciated!
Here's where everyone can find DSP:
Of course, in addition to social media, I also release content here on the got f-stop? blog, as well as the "Gig Stories" on my new Front Row Focus 2.0 website.
Barring all that, be sure to sign up for the DSP General Newsletter (scroll to the bottom of the DSP Home Page to sign up. Thanks!)
I hope to see you on any of my socials. Be sure to leave a comment or two along the way!